注意事項 Points to Note:
1. 雪松的味道 Smell of cedar
你聞到的是來自大自然的新鮮木香 Scent of fresh woody fragrance from nature
2. 長期受紫外線和高温影響會令環氧樹脂老化和破裂 Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays and high temperatures will cause epoxy resin to age and crack.
避免陽光高溫照射 Avoid direct sun exposure
3. 尺寸差異 Size gaps
人手製作的夜燈會有0.5-1吋的落差 Handmade nightlights will have 0.5-1inch size gaps
4. 避免存放在潮濕的地方 Avoid storing in humid places
可以用酒精紙定期抹去表面污垢 Use alcohol wipes regularly for surface dusts
5. 原木的裂痕 Log cracks
幾乎每一塊原木製成的藝術品都會有一定程度的天然裂縫 All art pieces from raw rood will have some degree of natural cracks
6. 樹脂內的氣泡 Air Bubbles in Eposy Resin
環氧樹脂的製作過程中會產生氣泡屬正常現象 Air bubble formation is normal in the production of epoxy resin
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